Sunday 28 September 2014

Experiencing culture trip to Paris&London

*Before going to Europe, we separate in group and start our research about the history,architecture,language,food......about the country/spaces.
Here is some basic FRENCH i can remember:

Merci:Thank you

This is my second time go abroad with my classmate and lecturer(First time is go Singapore). It has been a long-awaited from all of us, keep countdown the days after the trip had been confirm the date.
preparing my luggage:what i have bring

My own experience:
*Roll the cloth instead of fold it to save space.
*Remember bring your slipper (*to use in hostel).(most of my friend didn't bring slipper and they borrow from me, it actually makes me unconvenient)
*Just bring a small towel because if u are staying in hotel,
 they will provide towel for you.
*Don't bring too much cloth, you can wash it at hostel/hotel and wear again.
*My luggage have 50% empty space to put thing i buy from there in future.

store luggage

Keep properly your boarding pass!!!

Emirates airlines
It spend about 6-7 hour to reach Dubai and then we stop at Dubai for about 5 hour, we depart again to reach Paris! It's totally about 14 hour we sit on the plane!


Most of the thing i do is first time......
-first time taking long distance flight
-first time eat in the plane
-first time go travel as long as 10 days
-first time spend that much money
-first time go PARIS and LONDON
-first time ...

First meal on the plane

On the flight, they will provide you some light bites. If you are thirsty, you also can order drink from flight attendants.

REACH PARIS on 12th September 10am+



To get to those places, we need a map.
How to read the map? 
You just need to confirm the places you want to go, then search the nearest metro station on the map.(some places u might need to transfer few station to reach; refer to the color of the lines). After reach the station, we can walk to the destination!(If not sure the direction, refer to the map as well)
The transport in Paris is consider convenient, if you don't want to take a metro, you can also go on foot(*the advantage to walk is you can see a lot of brilliant architecture along the street)

metro ticket:it is so surprise that some of the ticket accidentally "reuse" by my friend, and she still can pass the machine!

TIPS: If you are going to travel for few days in Paris with Metro, suggest to buy 10 booklet of the ticket, It is much more cheaper than buy 1 ticket! each ticket can go anywhere not matter how far, and 10 booklet is cost 17.40 euro.

You can get this map in the airport(some hotel also provide)



My dream place , also the first attraction i come in Paris!
To come here, we stop at  Bir-Hakim metro station and walk about 10-15 minutes.

Be aware the pickpocket!
Walk with your friend!

At here, such a romantic place, we can see couple kissing in front of the tower. Their mind is open compare to Asian, they express their love to the beloved at any times.

Eiffel Tower, Architect: Stephen Sauvestre

We came back Eiffel Tower at night as well, the view is very nice!

Night view of Eiffel Tower
when u come to paris, you must come here for twice, one is at daylight, one is at night!

One of my to do list : Love signal on the Eiffel Tower second floor

Leave our memory at the tower

View from Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower light show

At night, the Eiffel Tower light show is the thing that u cannot miss!

They enjoying leisure life.
Feeding the bird
under the Eiffel Tower: friends, family, couple

These is the transportation i saw near by the Eiffel Tower.

Big Bus Paris

Horse Rider

There is something interesting thing: 
When they are dining or having high tea, they will facing outside to the road instead of facing each other. This is their differences with other country! They look enjoying to watching to the street, even there is a lot passer or car pass by in front of them. I like the dining environment like that, you can see different types of people pass by, you might notice something different for everyday!
Everyone pass by have their own story

Photo below is the first meal i eat in Paris. It cost 16 euro (main course+dessert) 
TIPS:You can order a cup of tape water for free if you don't want to waste money to buy other drinks.

Turkey Escalope

Introduce this choco-latte for you (can get it in casino), the taste is very nice! This is my "breakfast drink" before going out.

Apart from the grand building, you can see that along the road there is lesser car. Most of the people are choosing to walk or taking public transport. A lot of dog lover like to bring their dog to go for a walk. This kind of lifestyle is quite healthy that make me admire.

tranquil street view, nice perspectives view

I feel very relax and comfortable when being on this greenery field!

we just feel like want to sit on the floor when there is a big green land!

On the way to go to the Louvre, we meet four tourists from other country. They are so funny to list this as a "to do list".

Put the cream to their face and take photo as a memory

THE LOUVRE MUSEUM(Musee du Louvre)
The Louvre museum is one of the famous museum in the world. It showcases the art / painting / sculpture of Egyptian, Greek, Islamic...
This triangle shapes glass building makes me feel curious about it's interior...

Middle of the staircase is an "open elevator".(*A movable up and down tube to carry certain passenger only) The design is quite modern.


First time saw this type of ceiling design

Information board for blind
They are so considerate! 

But almost all the information board is in French that foreigner cannot understand. I think the museum will be better with provide international language-English as well.

According to my friend, the painting is too huge to transport to this museum, so they cut it to half before transport it and they join it after sent to here.

Mona Lisa , Leonardo Da Vinci
I feel so lucky can see this well-known oil painting at here. It is not as big as i think. A lot of "Mona Lisa fans" standing in front of it to take photo.

After the visit, it is the lunch time. I am sharing food with my friend.

Macaron in Mc Cafe

Macaron is a must try food in France! It is quite expensive.But you can buy the cheapest macaron in Mc Cafe and the taste is quite nice! I bought 6 macaron for 5 euro.

Pompidou Centre

Pompidou Centre, Postmodern architecture

This is a gallery art center and the entry fees is 10 euro. Their escalator is attached with the building makes it become a special characteristic.


Honestly, a lot of the art pieces inside the museum i cannot understand. Most of the explanation they wrote in French. Hope they can put English language as well in the future.

From pompidou centre building can see the beautiful scenery

dining area at the pompidou

Villa Savoye
Villa Savoye

Villa Savoye is designed by Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret. Their design idea is a starter to bring up the modern architecture nowadays. Nowadays, the Savoye Villa is classified as a historic monument and open for visit. 

A tall trees lead me go in to the building. At here, I never think that inside got a big building. It is totally cover by this greenery walkway.

A manisfesto for modernity---Villa Savoye

Building description

The administrator give us the brochure before we go in to visit the building.

lounge chair

The furniture inside the building also designed by Le Corbusier. The natural light come in from the open window; from the room, we also can see the greenery through the window. The designer is not putting any curtain to cover the sunlight, the feeling when you are in the building is quite comfortable maybe because of the naturally.

The lighting is also design by Le Corbusier and it is on when it is no daylight.

one of the chair in the building

staircase---take photo everywhere!

There is a spiral staircase provide if you don't want to use the ramp.

green! green! greenery!

The designer try to combine the building with greenery. He plant plantation on the roof top and he want to blend this building to the naturally environment. We can see that the building is build in the middle of the vast garden. 
In designing it , Le Corbusier applied his five points for a new architecture: piles, A sky garden, the free plan, the free facade, and the wide windows.

eating and chit chat
Sitting on the lawn makes me feel relax.

---for sale---

---for sale---

There is small corner selling souvenir that is related to architecture/furniture.

Above is my own result and thinking after i visit the places and look into the brochure they provide to us.
If you want to know more about Villa Savoye, you can refer to this link:

Triumphal Arch(Arc de Triomphe)

The huge monument----Triumphal Arch

This famous neoclassicism style monument is located at the centre of the Place Charles de Gaulle. Four side of the monument got the open door.

Napoleon's order to build this monument to commemorate the French victory as well as to honours those who fought and died for France.

unique building

unique building

This amazing artstreet is located at paris , Belleville. Different style of graffiti on the wall is drawn by different artist. This street is actually the shops, some is the art workshop. But most of the shop is closed since it is Sunday.
The painted art wall !!!!

This places become a chit-chat area, especially for teenager.

drawing on wall

The artist paint on the door as well, makes hard to recognized that it is an opening. They paint so well that makes me so admires!


Record down the view in our camera

workshop(*but it is close, we feel a bit disappointed that cannot visit)

They design as well for the flower pot! It is really cute and makes the street so arty.

Portrait painting on the wall

Atelier Galerie
The painting look normal like that, But after u wear a 3D spectacles, you will see that the drawing become alive! WOWWWW~~~The 3D effect is exteremely amazing! I think the artist use a special pen to draw it with different depth and shade to get this effect.

a amazing artist workshop

showcases of the artpieces

drawing on wall

I like this painting

drawing on clothes

Disneyland is quite far from the places we stay, we buy a ticket of the station called Marne-la-Vallee_Chessy.

station of Marne-la-Vallee_Chessy


the firming decoration on the entrance of the building, it makes me think about disneyland famous caption.

Car Action show
 They use different technique to do the show.Sometimes, It makes audience feel thrilling !


This is a show that suitable to watch with family, they try to bring us to enter the world and story of DISNEY.
Buzz Lightyear

My food for whole day(*hungry for half day)

beautiful buildng in disneyland

the disney castle is very beautiful


Toy Story

The Lion King

Peter Pan just in front of me!

Romance in Paris! Love lock lock to the bridge is to symbolize their love; and the key is thrown away to symbolize the unbreakable love.

Shadow of me and Zaza


Zaza wrote:"Edward love Zaza"

A lot of visitor leaving their traces of love on the board.

There is a batch of student drawing on the love lock bridge.

Train station

It's just takes 2 hour more to reach London. This strain station is really huge.

We take tube to Russell Square station and walk about 5 minute to reach the Generator hostel. The interior of the hostel is quite impressive. They apply the placard/direction on the floor and wall as well to lead the customer where to go. They provide Wifi,laundry, luggage store, 24 hour reception, travel shop, breakfast......all the services is completely fulfill customers need.


Eating area

Room Corridor

Resting area

Eating area 2

Resting area

Cafe Counter


Lyceum theatre:The Lion King

This theatre is located at covent garden and The Lion King show takes approximately 2 and half hour. If you came to London, this is one of the place that you cannot miss out! The show is very interesting that makes all the audience admire! Their stage design is super great with a lot layers, those background is appear according to the drama story. Not only the background, their floor stage(got staircase) also having a rise and fall function, it's also changes according to the story. They are brilliant to use all the spaces (including audience sitting area's corridor)to complete the show, makes it interesting!

Lyceum Theatre
The show is starting !

Covent Garden

Science Museum
Science Museum is located at Exhibition Road, we take tube and reach South Kensington and takes about 5 minutes walk to reach here.
 It is free entrance, but some specific exhibition might charge fees.
entrance of science museum

Coin machines

We makes the coin as souvenir

In the science museum, we get to saw that the first steam, first aeroplane...they exhibit the history of it according the time period.

They provide ramp&lift to inconvenience people.

material board

The interactive area is awesome! It attract a group of kids.

Lily White

Shopping heaven for everyone!Lily white shopping mall is selling a lot of branded product, and it is quite cheap if compare to Malaysia.
And, the building at there giving a nice perspective view!

Lily white

This market is located in front of a church. There is a lot of interesting thing for sale.
stall selling unique thing



Burger+French fries+beer= 8 pound
The beer in Uk is consider cheap, i have my first drink in this restaurant. In the restaurant they decorate a wall by using all the old remote control&video tape.
special wall

 DAY 7
This is the buffet breakfast provide in the Generator hostel. It is quite nice, but...we ate the same thing for 4 days...

breakfast is same for everyday

Buckingham Palace
We came here to see the changing of the guard in front of the palace(old guard changing duty with new guard)!
It roughly start at 11am and end at 12pm.
(TIPS:check the schedule before you come here, the changing of the guard might not held for everyday.)

"people mountain people sea"---a lot audiences surrounding the guard

Changing of the guard

After that i meet my high school friend, whose is study in UK. This is one of my great memory when i am together with them.
crazy friend

the water can drink

Kid's Discovery Centre
This is not an attraction, but is actually a case study of my friend. We are quite lucky to visit this space to understand more about kid's centre. The idea of this hands-on activities is actually come from kids, and adult build it.
 Most of the material is recycle&eco-friendly

This interactive area is play with sound , light and illustration.

kid's costume changing

The exterior of the centre look so normal like a cafe, but after we go in, the design for kid;s is quite impressive.

Historical walk
We go to visit the landmark of London. You should know that the famous Big Ben,The London Eyes, Trafalgar Square!

Big Ben London/Elizabeth tower
This is a important symbol of UK. It is a largest four-faced clock in the world and also third-tallest clock tower. 

The eye of London
This is a giant Ferris Wheel located at the South Bank of the River Thames. If you saw it at night, the light is extremely beautiful.

Trafalgar Square
This public space is located at the central of London, normally use as community gathering, such as New Year Eve.

 Westminster Abbey
This is a Gothic style church where prince William and Catherine get marry.

King Cross station
Harry Potter platform9 3/4

Could you guess, what are they queueing  for???

platform9 3/4


platform9 3/4

Many people ant to take photo with this! If you watched Harry Potter, you should know that this is the place where the Harry Potter enter his Magic school.

souvenir shop

All the souvenir selling at here is related to the movie!

Outside the souvenir shop, I take picture with the two main character in Harry Potter movie.

Arsenal Emirates stadium
This is a football stadium located at the Islington area, it is quite far from the place we stay. But, i feel admire to see the modern architecture surrounding there. The stadium is the third-largest stadium in England, some of us didn't take a tour to inside because need to pay, we only buy some souvenir from the shop. According to my friend, the interior is very "WOW"(*nice) and it is worth to visit. If you also a arsenal team fans, you can come to visit!

Emirates stadium

souvenir shop

outside the shop

Tower of London&Tower Bridge
Before reach the Tower bridge, we saw the Tower of London. They call this as a Tower of London poppies, each red color "flower"(*ceramic poppies) represent the victims of World War 1.
Tower of London

The Tower Bridge is also a prominent symbol of London and it is crosses the River Thames. Hwne there is a ship want to pass the River, the bridge will open, and the vehicle on the bridge have to stop for few minutes. 
Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge is open for ship pass through!!!

View from Tower Bridge

Along the journey we walk to Royal Festival Hall, I saw some graffiti.
After we all meet at Royal festival hall, we going back too hostel, it is really tired...

Green Park
Last day in London, i get permission from my lecturer and i can walk with my high school friend. We write the postcard together and send it in England. The stamp is 75p each. Hope all my friend and family will receive the postcard soon!


After that, to fullfill my "dream" they bring me to ride bicycle in the Green park! It almost 1 year I did'nt ride bicycle, so i feel very excited and appreciate to them! It is the first time i saw the squirrel not scare to anyone, the animal is so freedom to jump and eat on the ground!

visitor and squirrel

The lakeside

horse riding training

It's only 2 pound to rent a bicycle and you can ride it for 24 hour. We just need to keep our code(after make payment, they will provide), and we can stop the bicycle in any station if you saw it. After that, when you want to ride the bicycle again, you can key in the code to use the bicycle again!(*you can rent any bicycle in other places also) 
The bicycle we rent

We are discussing about this animal whether got one leg or two legs......

The view in Green park is so nice with natural, i saw horse, swan, bird, squirrel...
There is some beach seating provide to visitor...they are lying at there leisurely...
The lifestyle like this is opposite with my life in Malaysia,KL, everyday "chase the time",like the time is not enough...
There is also an interesting activity that attract me---boating. It is about 7-10pound for 1 people...But the time is not allow, so we didn't play that.

After that, we got to shopping! But, actually it is so crowd, i don't like to shopping at that crowded space.
shopping heaven!!!

M&M shop

Chinatown is near to Covent Garden. After take a tube to Covent Garden, need to walk about 15 minutes to reach here.
 My friend came here before and they are super miss the taste of duck rice, so they bring me here. Actually, start from the first day we meet, they want to bring me here, but, there is no chance.
Well, the super expensive duck rice is super nice taste, i am not regret although the price is expensive.We order white rice, two plate of meat(duck&pork) and a soup, it is a about 22 pound each people have to pay.


Street performance

Hong Kong Food

Goodbye my friend and Goodbye London
taking photo with my friend before going back

Reach Victoria Coach Station, here is a place with a lot of buses to go other places.We are going back to Paris by Bus and take flight at there to go back Malaysia.

souvenir and food I bought from Europe


After coming back, I face the problem of time equation...I feel sleepy on the morning and very energetic at night! It's because the time of Malaysia and Europe is opposite. The whole trip, i learn a lot, saw those building is like "come out" from my history lecture note. I experience their lifestyle, food...the feeling is actually touch because I never think that i will come to Europe at 21 years old...thanks to everyone that accompany me and especially thank you to the travel planner, Ms Sharmila.

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