Sunday 11 May 2014

info-GRAPHIC-KIDS Disability Information

An info graphic presentation produced to create visualization based on embedded data of kids health issues related to DYSLEXIA

draft 1

draft 2

draft 3

draft 4


The infographic representing background information, characteristic features, diagnosis, symptoms, conditions and behaviour of the dyslexia kids, activities provided and etc.

Fun Factor-The Kids ART LAB

Art lab is hands-on art learning space for kids in exploring art.It is a productive space for kids to approach and consider art, makes art through the interactive experience, discovers the magic of imagination & used the space to share their artwork.

My kids art lab is designed for dyslexic kids. In the art lab, they can learn while play the LEGO&CLAY.

draft 1

draft 2


dyslexic don't like to be bound, their mind is overflow. So the concept is their freedom of imagination. they prefer to "jump out from the box", the usual life they are having now, going to a space that are make them more happier and can exert their talent.


From the model u can see the language is centralized, represent their heart/mind, and it is expand to outside, represent thier overflow mind.


Kids house-therapy centre

Research shows that early intervention treatment services can greatly improve a child's development. With appropriate services & supports, training & information, disable kids will grow, learn and flourish. The invention may help to lessen disruptive behaviors, and education can teach self-help skills that allow greater independence. 

This project is design a therapy centre to dyslexia kids.In the kids house, they can learn and play.

activity broche


building exterior
building ground floor
building first floor

material sample board
the material i use most is eco-friendly and safety for kids. for example, linoluem floor and soft foam board floor.